Stanislascollege is sponsoring Water Life Africa. Here we report about some of their activities. To read more you can visit the website of Stanislascollege
10 May 2010 – A cheque of EUR 5.000,- is awarded to Stichting Water Life Africa
On 10 May the cheque is handed over to the founders of Stichting Water Life Africa at the Stanislascollege. The money is raised by the children of the school with various activities, like the Christmas market and the Lesmarathon.

21 January 2010 – Lesmarathon at Stanislascollege
Op 21 januari 2010 hebben de 4de klassers van het Stanislascollege Reinier de Graafpad, Delft, 24 uur lessen gevolgd om zo geld in te zamelen voor 2 stichtingen: Stichting Water Life Africa en Elimubora, zodat er in Afrika scholen gebouwd en gerenoveerd kunnen worden, want dan heeft een kind toekomst.

7 January 2009 – Lesmarathon at Stanislascollege
On the 7th of January the co-founder of Water Life Africa gave a marathonles at Staniscollege about stichting Water Life Africa. He also gave a lot of explanation to the students on how our organisation started with the bore-hole drilling, the effect of water-borne diseases and distance of collecting water.

16 December 2008 – Modeshow at Stanislascollege
On the 16th of December 2008 the co-founder of Water Life Africa visited a modeshow at Stanislascollege, to see how the college has gone in sponsoring our project at Immerienwe Owerri – Imo State of Nigeria.
At the fashion show the students presented themselves in African Nigeria dresses. The mode show was in the AD – Haagsche Courant, where the people can read more about all our activities.

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