project in GANVIE Community BEnini
Subject: Proposal to Support the Ganvie Community through Stichting Water Life Africa.
I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Sequel to our online meeting via whatsapp on Sunday, 24th September, 2023, I am writing to present a proposal on behalf of the community living in Ganvie, situated in the Republic of Benin. Ganvie is a unique riverine community where its inhabitants live their entire lives on water.
Over 3000 stilt houses at Ganvie
However, they face significant challenges in accessing education, transportation, healthcare, and good hygiene (clean water), which hinders their development and quality of life. The primary issue we would like Stichting Water Life Africa and her partners to address is the limited access to education for the children of Ganvie due to inability to access good transport system. Due to the absence of proper infrastructure, the students must travel long distances by boat to reach the nearest school.

Makeshift boat for students to travel to schools
Majority of them resorted into improvising a boat by building a makeshift boats using Jerry cans which does not provide safety for them as they commute. To alleviate this hardship, we propose providing boats and life jackets that can safely transport the students to and from school, enabling them to receive a proper education without compromising their safety. Ganvie is considered to be the Africa’s largest lake village and popularly called “Lake City”. The village is built on stilts in the middle of Lake Nokoue in southern Benin, close to the city of Cotonou. Lake Nokoue is 1-2meters deep and residents of Ganvie sometimes make artificial land by bringing soil from the land.
Patches of land in Ganvie
These patches of land are used to keep a few domesticated animals and, interestingly enough, to teach children how to walk. Over generations the residents of Ganvie have created a unique lifestyle centered around the water and fishing, but poverty and environmental challenges are a threat to the continuation of this lifestyle today

Engine boats for transportation
Considering the population of people residing in Ganvie, estimated to be between 20,000 to 30,000, we understand that a substantial investment is required to fulfill this need. However, we firmly believe that with Stichting Water Life Africa’s support and her partners, we can make a significant impact on the lives of these community members. The estimated population of nursery and primary school pupils is 3000 while the population of the secondary school student is estimated to be 1500.
By facilitating the provision of at least 2 boats for the primary school and secondary school (which are miles apart) to aid transportation, we aim to achieve the following objectives:
1. Accessible Education: Empowering the children of Ganvie with safe and reliable transportation will increase their access to education. It will reduce absenteeism, improve academic performance, and enhance their future prospects.
2. Enhancing Healthcare Accessibility: The availability of boats for transportation will also contribute to improved access to healthcare facilities. In case of emergencies or routine medical check-ups, community members will no longer rely solely on their locally made means of transportation with paddled canoe, ensuring prompt and efficient treatment when needed.
Ambulance used for emergencies
Sustainable Development: Investing in the education and well-being of the community in Ganvie has the potential to break the cycle of poverty. By providing the necessary resources and infrastructure, we can empower the residents to become self-sufficient, contributing to the overall development of the community.
To initiate this project, we kindly request Water Life Africa NGO and her partners to consider partnering with us in providing the boats and life jackets needed for transportation in Ganvie. Additionally, we would appreciate your guidance and expertise in strategizing the implementation process effectively.
We are confident that with your commitment to improving lives and your track record of successful assistance projects in Africa, together we can make a lasting impact on the Ganvie community. We are open to further discussions and look forward to exploring possibilities for collaboration.
Thank you for considering our proposal. We eagerly await your positive response and the opportunity to bring about positive change in Ganvie.
Warm regards,
KOJAH. Tosin Toussaint
(+229 9401 7121,